Protect and Heal

The Diocese of La Crosse is committed to helping victims and survivors of sexual abuse and dedicated to protecting our children

TrainingLibraryReport an IncidentClergy DisclosuresBishop’s Letter


Mrs. Teresa Brown
Complaint Intake Agent – 608.791.0179

Deacon Tom Skemp
Victim Assistance Coordinator – 608.792.9684

2024-25 Annual reports
Parish Annual Training Report to be completed and returned by March 1, 2025
School Annual Training Report to be completed and returned by March 1, 2025
Student and Parent Annual Training Report to be completed and returned by March 1, 2025

The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) requires all dioceses in the United States to undergo yearly audits to verify their compliance with the Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People. These audits are performed by StoneBridge Business Partners, which has been doing Charter audits for the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops since 2011.

To view the July 1, 2018 to June 30, 2021 USCCB Compliance Notification for the Diocese of La Crosse, click this link.
To view the Dec. 7, 2022 StoneBride acknowledgement letter, click this link.

StoneBridge also issues the annual report, which includes statistical data gathered by the Georgetown University-based Center for Applied Research in the Apostolate (CARA). To view the 2021 Annual Report on the Implementation of the Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People, click this link.


Pastoral letter from Bishop William Patrick Callahan regarding clergy disclosures

18 January 2020

My dear sisters and brothers in Christ:

The Protect and Heal initiative of the Diocese of La Crosse, our response to the clergy sexual abuse crisis, now includes a most essential ingredient: the disclosure of the names of clergy with a substantiated allegation of child sexual abuse.

This disclosure of names is an important step: the Church must again confess to this evil and pledge our prayers and support to all victims and their families. To all victims and their loved ones, everywhere: I and so many others continue to offer prayers and assistance. I realize that our promise of continued prayer and support may not seem to be enough; for your pain, suffering and anguish will always be a part of you. I am sorry, however, for all you’ve suffered.

The disclosure of names is a necessary step. Victims inform us that it assists in their healing process and it provides them with no small sense of justice. Victims and their loved ones must no longer suffer in silence and isolation.

This is also a painful step. It’s painful to all victims, certainly, for their nightmare resurfaces yet again with this public release; and it is painful, too, for all good and faithful laity and clergy who continue to feel anger and humiliation for the abuse of both power and conscience committed by these men.

Even with that, the disclosure of names is the right thing to do, for all of us!

The list of names of clergy with a substantiated allegation of child sexual abuse, found on the Protect and Heal page on our website, will remain public and up-to-date: names will be added if and when future allegations are sufficiently confirmed. As promised and as needed, prudent transparency has replaced unacceptable secrecy.

The Diocese of La Crosse’s Protect and Heal initiative is now about moving forward. Details can be found on our website, including contacts, reporting procedures, safe environment training, support for those who have been harmed, and more. Many of these measures have been in place for years and they have been effective for years.

As your Bishop, I commit to openness and transparency. I encourage all victims to come forward as we offer our willingness and ability to assist in the healing process. I pledge my continued efforts to protect against future abuse. I promise that every future allegation will be addressed professionally and thoroughly.

May the Lord bless us, protect us from all evil, and bring us to everlasting life.

+Most Reverend William Patrick Callahan
Bishop of the Diocese of La Crosse

La carta pastoral del Obispo William Patrick Callahan acerca de las revelaciones del clero

18 Enero 2020

SpaEstimadas Hermanas y Hermanos en Cristo:

La iniciativa Proteger y Sanar de la Diócesis de la Crosse, que es nuestra respuesta a la crisis del abuso sexual del clero, ahora incluye el ingrediente más esencial: la revelación de los nombres de los miembros del clero con alegación fundamentada del abuso sexual de menores.

Esta revelación de nombres es un paso importante: la Iglesia tiene que nuevamente confesar este mal y prometer nuestras oraciones y apoyo a todas las víctimas y sus familias. A todas víctimas y sus seres queridos, en todas partes: Yo y tantos otros, continuan ofrecer oraciones y asistencia. Me doy cuenta de que nuestra promesa de oraciones continuas y apoyo puede parecer no lo suficiente; ya que su dolor, sufrimiento y angustia siempre serán parte de Ustedes. Lo siento muchísimo, sin embargo, por todo lo que han sufrido.

La revelación de nombres es un paso necesario. Las víctimas nos informan que eso les ayuda en su proceso de sanar y les da un cierto sentido de justicia. Las víctimas y sus seres queridos no deben sufrir más en silencio y en aislamiento.

Este paso es también un paso doloroso. Ciertamente con esta revelación pública será doloroso para todas las víctimas revivir su pasadía; es doloroso también para los laicos buenos y fieles y también el clero que continúa sentir el disgusto y humillación por el abuso, tanto del poder como de conciencia que aquellos hombres han cometido.

Incluso con eso, la revelación de nombres es lo correcto que hacer, para todos nosotros.

La lista de nombres de los miembros del clero con alegación fundamentada del abuso sexual de menores, que se encuentra en la pagina web de Proteger y Sanar, permanecerá pública y puesta al día, o sea: nuevos nombres serán añadidos siempre y cuando futuras alegaciones se confirmen suficientemente. Como se ha prometido, la transparencia prudente ha reemplazado el secreto inaceptable.

La iniciativa Proteger y Sanar de la Diocese de La Crosse está por moverse adelante. Los detalles se pueden encontrar en la pagina web, incluyendo los contactos, los procedimientos de reportar, el entrenamiento para crear un ambiente seguro, el apoyo para los que has sido afectados, y más. Muchas de estas medidas han sido implementadas por años y han sido eficaz por años.

Como su Obispo, me comprometo nuevamente a la apertura y transparencia. Animo a todas las víctimas que se presenten ya que ofrecemos nuestra voluntad y capacidad de asistir en el proceso de sanar. Yo prometo a continuar con los esfuerzos de prevenir futuros abusos. También prometo que todas alegaciones futuras serán manejadas con profesionalismo y a fondo.

Que el Señor nos bendiga, no proteja de dodo mal, y nos lleve a la vida eterna.

+Most Reverend William Patrick Callahan
Obispo De la Diócesis de La Crosse

A Prayer for Healing and Reconciliation

Almighty and most loving God, through your Son

your compassion brought healing to many.

We ask for your healing once more

for all who have been profoundly wounded by abuse,

especially those who have been hurt by your ministers.

In your goodness,

we ask for the grace

to be a source of healing

to all who have been abused

and to be ever vigilant

in protecting all your people.

Grant, we pray,

our prayers for healing and forgiveness,

for we ask them through your Son,

Christ our Lord. Amen

Child Sexual Abuse Review Board